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On Forgiveness Sunday, the Patriarchal Exarch of South-East Asia celebrated Liturgy at Archpastor Metochion of St. Vladimir’s Church in Bekasi, Indonesia

On February 26, Cheesefare Week, the remembrance of Adam’s exile (Forgiveness Sunday), the Patriarchal Exarch of South-East Asia, Metropolitan Sergiy of Singapore and South-East Asia celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Archpastor Metochion of St. Vladimir’s Church in Bekasi.

His Eminence was by Hieromonk Cyril (Situmeang) and Hieromonk Methodius (Sugiarto), clerics of the Archpastor Metochion of St. Vladimir’s Church in Bekasi; Hierodeacon Juvenaly (Marushchak), Senior Deacon of the Patriarchal Exarchate of South-East Asia; Deacon Michael Borodai, Cleric of the Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in Singapore; Deacon Dorotheus Gunavan, Cleric of the Archpastor Metochion of St. Vladimir’s Church in Bekasi; Deacon Damian Darmavan, Cleric of the Church of the Apostle Thomas in Jakarta; and Deacon Ammon S, Cleric of the Archpastor Metochion of St. Vladimir’s Church in Bekasi.

The chants of the Liturgy were sung in Church Slavonic and Indonesian.

After the end of the divine service, Metropolitan Sergiy served Vespers with the Rite of Forgiveness. Then, the clergy changed their yellow vestments to the Lenten black, and the singing of special chants started. Vladyka read kneeling prayers for the beginning of Great Lent and then addressed the faithful with the archpastoral word.

Vladyka congratulated everyone on the beginning of the Holy Quadragesima and presented the cross for kissing to the clergy and parishioners as a blessing for the passage of Great Lent.

By tradition, believers asked each other for forgiveness.

Сингапурская епархияDiocese of Singapore
КатегорииCategories: Exarch, News, Singapore diocese
ДатаDate: 26 February 2023

On Feast of Theophany of the Lord, Patriarchal Exarch of Southeast Asia Celebrated Divine Liturgy at Patriarchal Metochion of the Church of Life-Giving Trinity in Ostankino

19 January 2025
On January 19, 2025, on the feast of Holy Theophany - the Baptism of the Lord God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, Patriarchal Exarch of Southeast Asia, Metropolitan Sergiy of Singapore and Southeast Asia, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Metochion of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Ostankino, Moscow. The day before, the archpastor celebrated a festive All-Night Vigil.

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18 January 2025
On January 18, 2025, on the eve of Theophany (sochelnik), Patriarchal Exarch of Southeast Asia, Metropolitan Sergiy of Singapore and Southeast Asia celebrated the Divine Liturgy, Great Vespers and the rite of the Great Blessing of Water at the Patriarchal Metochion of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Ostankino, Moscow.

On Feast of Nativity of Christ, Patriarchal Exarch of Southeast Asia Celebrated Divine Liturgy at Church of Dormition of Most Holy Theotokos in Singapore

07 January 2025
On the night of January 6-7, 2025, the feast of the Nativity of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Patriarchal Exarch for Southeast Asia, Metropolitan Sergiy of Singapore and Southeast Asia, performed solemn divine services of the feast in the Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in Singapore.