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Patriarchal Exarch for South-East Asia Led Patronal Feast at St. Sergiy’s Church in Bali

On October 8, 2023, the feast day of St. Sergiy, Hegumen (Abbot) of Radonezh, the Wonderworker of All Russia, the patronal feast day of St. Sergiy’s Church of the Russian Orthodox Church on the island of Bali, Indonesia, was celebrated. The festal Liturgy at the parish was led by the Patriarchal Exarch of South-East Asia, Metropolitan Sergiy of Singapore and South-East Asia. The day before, Vladyka also celebrated here the All-Night Vigil.

Сингапурская епархияDiocese of Singapore
КатегорииCategories: Exarch, Photos and videos
ДатаDate: 08 October 2023